Boil a pot of hot water, place the tea leaves in a cup, and pour the boiling water into the cup. As the hot water cascades into the cup, a swirling mist emerges, ethereal and pure, shrouding the room in a veil of tranquility. The sweet fragrance of the tea permeates the air, weaving a tapestry of scents. With each sip, the subtle bitterness awakens your senses, while a hint of briskness ignites a spark of vitality within. Embrace the transformative power it bestows, as it nourishes not only your physical self but also the depths of your being.
What is Sun Rouge Tea?

Sun Rouge Tea is an innovative Japanese green tea created for specific therapeutic purposes. It is the result of a cross-breeding between the Camellia taliensis plant and a tea tree variety called Okumusashi. From this hybridization, a special cultivar named Chachuukanbohonnou 6 was developed. Although this variety has a higher content of anthocyanins, water-soluble pigments found in plants, it poses challenges in terms of cultivation due to its slow growth.
To overcome these challenges, the Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science at Japan's National Agriculture and Food Research Organization embarked on a research journey. In 2001, they selected and cultivated different seeds resulting from the natural crossbreeding of Chachuukanbohonnou 6. After eight years of dedicated efforts, the best tea trees were chosen, and Sun Rouge was registered as a new tea variety in 2011.
This exceptional tea variety stands out due to its high levels of anthocyanins, a rare class of polyphenols not commonly found in green tea. The characteristic deep red-purple leaves of Sun Rouge derive from the abundant presence of these anthocyanins. In fact, its name "Sun Rouge," (rouge means "red" in French), reflects the vibrant and intense color resembling a delicate lipstick when illuminated by sunlight.
While Sun Rouge's therapeutic benefits are impressive, it remains relatively lesser known and challenging to find in the market. It thrives exclusively on the small island of Tokunoshima, situated approximately 100 kilometers north of Okinawa in southern Japan. This secluded location offers the perfect subtropical climate and volcanic soil necessary for the cultivation of this extraordinary tea.
Color Change
The processing method of Sun Rouge Tea differs from traditional Japanese green tea because it involves pan frying instead of steaming. This pan-frying process results in dried leaves that resemble pan-fried Chinese green teas in appearance. However, the dry leaves of Sun Rouge have a darker color compared to many other pan-fried green tea types. This dark color is attributed to the presence of anthocyanins, which can range in color from red to purple or blue depending on the pH value. These compounds are responsible for the vibrant hues seen in various fruits and vegetables such as eggplants, blueberries, raspberries, and pomegranates.
When brewed, the color of the liquid will vary based on the type of water used, resulting in a range of colors from bright pink to colorless to purplish-gray. The color may change gradually over time, influenced by factors like water type, temperature, and steeping time. Using hard water may cause sediment to appear, similar to the sediment found in well-aged red wine. This sediment is a result of the interaction between the polyphenols and ions in the water, but it does not have any impact on the human body.
Brewing Sun Rouge with regular water typically produces a light pink color with a slight grayish tint. However, adding a few drops of lemon juice will transform the color into a more intense pink hue. Similarly, acids like apple cider vinegar or carbonated beverages can also induce color changes. It is the direct interaction between the high anthocyanin content of Sun Rouge and the acidity of the water that creates these unique coloring properties. Because of its distinctive qualities, this new type of green tea is also used to create exquisite gradient-colored tea cocktails.
Sun Rouge Tea Benefits
Sun Rouge green tea contains various beneficial elements, including catechins (specifically epigallocatechin gallate) and flavonols (such as myricetin 3-galactoside), which are commonly found in green tea. What sets Sun Rouge apart is its rare anthocyanins, specifically delphinidin 3-galactoside. Research has shown that these unique anthocyanins offer the following benefits:
1. Antioxidants: These help combat oxidative stress by binding to free radicals.
2. Improved vision: Sun Rouge may enhance night vision, particularly for individuals with night blindness.
3. Reduced eye strain: It may alleviate visual fatigue caused by prolonged computer screen use.
4. Adjusting the focus of one's eyes: Sun Rouge may assist in relaxing the ciliary muscle, aiding in the eye's ability to adjust focus.
5. Support for eye conditions: It has potential benefits for conditions like presbyopia, myopia, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration.
6. Anti-inflammatory effects: Sun Rouge's strong anti-inflammatory properties are particularly helpful for inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis.
7. Protection of blood vessels: It may help prevent arteriosclerosis and promote cardiovascular health.
8. Antiviral and antibacterial properties: Sun Rouge exhibits properties that may be effective against certain viruses and bacteria.
9. Cancer prevention: Its antioxidant, apoptosis-inducing, anti-mutagenic, and anti-proliferation properties contribute to potential cancer prevention effects.
10. Weight management: Sun Rouge may assist in combating obesity and improving disorders related to lipid metabolism.
11. Anti-diabetic effects: It has shown anti-hyperglycemic actions, which may be beneficial for individuals with diabetes.
Apart from its remarkable health effects, Sun Rouge also provides a delightful taste experience. It boasts fruity, herbal, and nutty aromas, with a slightly bitter and sweet aftertaste. It exhibits grassy and peppery flavors, coupled with a distinct saltiness and herbal freshness. There is a subtle hint of seaweed-like marine aroma and a mild astringency in the underlying mineral accents. The tea has a relatively smooth infusion with a rich aroma reminiscent of the tropics. It carries strong floral scents with hints of tropical fruit, accompanied by subtle touches of pickled plums.
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